Thank you. I'm working on my first novel, and recently became discouraged after a conversation with a friend who disparaged "feel good" novels, naming a couple of authors whose books I have enjoyed. It made me feel like giving up on mine.

You've restored my desire to press on with my story, remembering that it's ok if it's "not for everyone". It is for someone, if only for myself.

p.s. I love that you took Barbies on vacations.

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Believe in what you're writing. If it resonates deeply with you, it will with others. Art is subjective. It will not touch everyone in the same way, or in even the ways we hope. Keep writing & believing. XO!

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Write what speaks to your heart!

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I love everything about this, Wade. Thank you for the powerful reminder of the beauty in art that can make us feel good. I also try to write books that capture hope and optimism, despite life's difficulties. Real women, facing and overcoming relatable challenges. It's how I want to live and how I want to write. There is enough bad in the world. I don't want to add to it. Even if it would be easier to sell!

Oh, Barbie. So many lessons, wrapped up in a colorful movie. The Oscar's snubbing of Margot and Greta would almost be laughable, given how it nails the very message these amazingly talented women were trying to convey, if it wasn't so damn ironic and predictable.

I guess the conflict between "good" and "evil" is timeless, even in the way people choose to entertain themselves. I, for one, choose the bright side.

Thank you for the light you bring.

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I thought I was the only one who took pictures of my Barbie👒also the NY Slime book list is one of those groups that only review the so-called cool kids. 😜I read the reviews on Goodreads etc., and go from there. 📚Thank you for being the wonderful guy that you are, and for the virtual hugs your writing gives us❣️

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I shouldn't have to apologize for being sentimental. I shouldn't have to be a "closet sentimentalist". Thank you Wade for being that voice speaking out and defending us all and Barbie too!

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Excellent commentary and so on point. Thank you. A book that makes you feel good is a blessing.

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Truth! TY so much! XOXO!

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I love this!

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Beautifully stated truth here.

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I'm sitting my work desk reading your latest entry, and above my bulletin board is a little pennant from a new book by Kate Bowler that reads, "Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day!" Another thing she often says is this: LIFE IS SO BEAUTIFUL - LIFE IS SO HARD." This is what I believe about life, and what I see in your writing. Do hard, terrible things sometimes happen? Yes. And is life still so beautiful? Yes, a thousand times YES. Critics might think it's cool to stay deep in darkness, but I truly believe that most of us (even critics) want happy endings for our own lives and for the lives of others. Carry on!

PS - I loved the Barbie movie, too, of course!

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Beautifully said! TY for sharing this! XOXO!

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Hi, Wade! There is so much about your Barbie story that I love. It reminded me also of why we run to Ebay and Replacements to replace broken items. It is why we go to antique shops. There is something about keeping alive that part of us that once was. I love that you continually seek the light. I do, too. Keep writing about hope. Sentimental is NOT a bad word. Thank you for the affirmation to write books and characters that parallel our own existences. I will keep doing that!

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Thank you for being you, for sharing this, and for writing beautiful stories that touch our souls.

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TY so much! XOXO!

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