"Writing and reading saved me." This sums up my life in a nut shell. I'm taking this journey because I want to come out of the writers closet and get my voice out there.

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Thank you, Wade. Just love this. Scene: Sitting in the backseat of my high school boyfriend's parents' car. I was returning home with them after visiting their son who was studying engineering at Purdue. I can still feel the blue crushed velvet under my gripped fingers and see the red light flashing at the intersection. From the front seat his dad asked what I would be studying that next year at the in-state rival school. "Journalism," I happily replied. He commented, "Well, you're never going to make any money." Note: What a prophetic red light. I did not marry his son!

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A friend wished me an adventurous 2024 in her Christmas card. I'm teady.

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I'm still making myself invisible; I need to unlearn fear.

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I will do my darndest to help you ... together! XOXO!

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I was always the "big" girl. Tall (6'1) and overweight. I was built like my dads side of the family. Book and libraries were always my happy place. I could go anywhere and be everything. A magical life was just a page away. I however rose up to my insecurities, and maybe not in the best ways. At 6'1 and overweight, I never blended in anywhere. So I took the opposite stance. I am going to take up this space, I am going to decorate it and own it. I became "extra"- give them something to look at, to hear....if it had feathers, or sequins it was mine. The introverted book lover became and extrovert. I wanted to control the narrative. While it changed my experiences in life from middle school on, it made me a fighter. A warrior. A go getter. Proving myself and my worth, when I didn't need to prove anything to anyone. At 52.... I am tired. I know I hold magic. Now I want it to be a hidden secret that one can find if they take the time to know me or find me.....I am putting away my wrecking ball.

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I just published a children’s book. It’s a holiday book so I had the luxury of keeping it to myself for a while. Once it actually came out I have been so nervous for people to read it. Part of me wanted to grab it back and say, “Wait, don’t read that yet!” But then I remember my why and calm down. 🙂

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Totally natural, and good for you to focus on WHY you wrote it! Congratulations on your book, and I hope my lessons help you navigate the fear & the business of publishing. XOXO!

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Funny my Dad “ordered” me into an engineering major. I went from an Honor Roll student in high school to barely passing by the first semester. I was ready to quit by the end of the year. I told my friend, who worked full-time at Dominoes, “I’m dropping out.”

She said, Don’t!

“Don’t be like me! Get a degree. Any damn degree you want, but get one.” She told me not to quit and after lots of talking, arguing, and too many cigarettes I agreed. The next morning I changed me major to Communication.

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