You and Gary are so precious 💕 This letter shows how we all must master our inner strengths and step forward into our fears😳 We endure loss but through this we gain strength. The Lord holds our hand thru this. We see our losses but in front of us we can't see our gains💕 The Gary's, my beloved husband of 45 years. They are at our sides daily gifting us more including sharing memories of our grans and other's we miss.

Thank you for your wonderful writing📚💕🦃

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It was at this point in reading your piece that the emotions you helped me recall came boiling up. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, why have I not been as joyous as usual?

It has after all, been 15 years since my mom passed away, and I was busily going about my holiday preps. Then I read this:

“Think of how much your mother loved this holiday," Gary whispered to me, out of earshot of the family. "Why are you trying so hard to forget about her? Why don't you treat her like she's still here? Because she is. And she always will be.”

Thank you for helping me to remember to stay open to her memory. It helps a lot to feel her here during the holidays.

Much love to you and Gary.

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Amy: Please know I'm sending you HUGE holiday hugs & love! Happy Thanksgiving & cherish the memories, even if they hurt.

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